Caller ID

Caller ID

Whozz Calling? and Vertex caller id products by

the world's leading manufacture of commercial multi-line Caller ID hardware for computer telephony. They are the used by more 174 point-of-sale systems and distributed in 74 countries. offers rock-solid hardware, backed with a 2-year warranty and lifetime free technical support.

CallerID offers 2 core models: Whozz Calling and Vertex:

Whozz Calling?

Caller ID for standard land lines and phone systems. The most popular caller ID system used in hospitality, dispatch, POS systems and more.


Caller ID for VOIP (Voice over IP). Uses the same caller ID technology as Whozz Calling, but for Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phone systems. Integrates with many POS systems and software. May be used with any POS system currently using Whozz Calling that requires integration with a VOIP phone system.